Uncovering Your Reality

Regular blog on the concepts of focus and self mastery, published every Tuesday.
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Are you aware of your core wound?

For me it was complete insecurity and lack of confidence. As a child, every choice I made was questioned because everybody wanted me to play it safe all the time. I’m not much on playing it safe because I find it boring. I much prefer the scenic route. The result of questioning every choice I made was that I lost confidence in myself.


I’ve gotten to this place in my journey where I’m being offered the ability to choose what I put my power into.

For the first 7 or 8 years of my healing journey most things were acts of blind faith. I was essentially told what to do intuitively and then shown how to interpret what happened as a result of whatever I did.


Hidden anger.

Do you have that or some other hidden emotion?

Are you intentionally hiding it or do you think there is something back there you aren’t completely aware of yet?


Life taught me…

That I wasn’t allowed to be myself.

That I had to make everybody around me happy. I was the ultimate people-pleaser.

That I needed to live the “dream” of getting a teaching job, finding a husband, having a couple kids, buying a house and a car or two, going on vacation once a year, and waiting to die.


Do you need a reason why things happen?

If there isn’t one or reality doesn’t make sense, then what happens? Do you make something up?

The mind loves to make up reasons why things happen. Four of the most common reasons to make up are blame, shame, guilt, and victimization.

They are stories the mind creates for all kinds of different reasons. Often I talk about them in terms of the mind trying to protect us from more pain. But one of the big reasons why the mind makes up these stories is the justification of the experience.


Every single human being moving around on this planet right now has access to their psychic gifts. Being a psychic is not a secret club. It’s not something only special people get access to. It’s something everybody has access to if they are willing to open up to it and take responsibility for it.

What does that mean?


We all feel this sometimes. We have a choice we need to make or something we want to do and we hesitate – it causes us to question what we’re doing. it makes us take an extra step or two. Sometimes it even makes us stop completely.

What is hesitation and why do we feel it?

Sometimes hesitation is the Universe’s way of saying “are you sure?”. Sometimes hesitation is a reflection of your own doubt of yourself or the situation. Sometimes hesitation offers a necessary extra step that allows you to get completely clear on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.


What if you didn’t have to argue with it?

What if the thing that happened, although it may have been painful, wasn’t actually the problem?

What if you could get okay with the experience and simply adjust your own way of seeing things?

Shifting your perspective isn’t about taking the bad thing that happened and trying to make it positive. It’s about removing the stories of blame, shame, guilt, and victimization that cause you to make the experience worse than it was.

The stories offer pain on their own, completely outside of the experience. Even if the experience had never happened, if you started telling those stories you would feel the pain of them.


Chances are you know what shadow work is because you’ve probably done some of it at some point in your own healing journey.

Shadow work to me, is a little like double dog daring yourself to go check out all this seemingly hidden pain you’ve been avoiding. Do I really want to see what’s in the back of this closet? Maybe. Maybe not. But either way, I’m going in!


Healing is an onion.

Have you ever heard that phrase before? Why do we use it in spiritual circles?

It’s a somewhat known phenomenon when you heal yourself, that things keep coming back around until you fully heal them. I’ve certainly experienced this in my own life and I’m sure you’ve probably found the same is true for you.


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